Exploring Alternatives to Plastics for Everyday Use

Exploring Alternatives to Plastics for Everyday Use

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Packaging material accounts for a significant portion of municipal solid waste in India, resulting in increased environmental concerns. The Indian government has taken several steps to address this issue, including banning the use of certain plastics in packaging applications. However, many producers from both organized and unorganized sectors continue to use plastics in their packaging operations. This article will explore the plastics problem in India and highlight various biodegradable alternatives that could replace plastics in packaging.

Plastics have become an essential element of civilization, and we rely on them in all aspects of our lives. Since 1950, more than 8300 million tonnes of plastic have been manufactured in India alone. Unfortunately, plastics were primarily made from petrochemical products, and this dependency still persists. Currently, 4% of all fossil fuels mined each year are used as raw materials in plastic production.

According to a report by the Central Pollution Control Board, India produces approximately 3.47 million tonnes of plastic waste per year, and per capita waste has increased from 700 gms to 2500 gms in the past five years. Unfortunately, only a small portion of this plastic waste is recycled. The majority of this waste enters the environment through numerous harmful channels. Only 60% of India’s plastic waste is collected, with the remaining 40% being uncollected and entering the environment directly as waste.

The Indian government has made efforts to curb plastic use by banning the use of certain plastics in packaging applications. However, the ban does not apply to all plastic bags, and many large companies and suppliers have only begun to charge customers for polybags to financially discourage their usage. The plastics industry is one of the largest job creators in India, with an estimated value of INR 5.1 lakh crore (USD 73 billion). The near-ubiquitous use of plastics in a wide range of industries makes India’s plastics industry one of the fastest-growing sectors in the country, with nearly 30,000 units manufacturing plastic materials.

The growing problem of plastic packaging waste in India necessitates the exploration of alternatives. Various biodegradable alternatives can be utilized in place of plastics, especially in packaging operations. Bamboo is a rapidly developing renewable resource that can replace plastic in products such as furniture, baskets, roofs, drinking straws, and more. It is lightweight, long-lasting, and biodegradable. Paper and cardboard are also great alternatives, as they are biodegradable and widely available. Many companies are increasingly packing their items in plain cardboard to reduce waste. Natural packaging alternatives, such as mushroom root, seaweeds, pressed hay, banana leaves, and the leaves of similar plants and trees, are also being developed by several companies.

While it is not possible nor desirable to eliminate all plastics from society, alternatives can play an important role in reducing our reliance on plastics. It is essential to strike a balance between the goals of decreasing plastic packaging waste and reducing food waste. Additionally, individuals can contribute to reducing plastic packaging waste by adopting a more sustainable lifestyle and reducing their overall consumption of single-use plastics. Through collective efforts, we can create a more sustainable future and reduce the harmful impact of plastic waste on our environment.

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